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Earth Echo for earth causes

There’s nothing better than knowing that everything we create and share has a greater purpose. Since a large amount of the content and inspiration comes from nature directly, this makes nature our protagonist; we believe contributing 20% of profits from all our content and events should go directly back towards an Earth cause. 


Our online content will always remain FREE. 

If you have enjoyed our content and would like to give something back in return for your experience with us, support us by supporting us on Patreon. In return, we will offer our patrons exclusive rewards and be part of a community in voting where our earth funds go. A monthly subscription is only £3.00per month - that's like buying a cup of coffee.


"Our mission is to re-establish the connection between human consciousness and nature through sound in an artistic format"

Earth causes we support.

Based on a sustainable sound production model we created this project in a way to build communities through partnership and collaborations with organisations that actively seek to rebuild and protect the land and wildlife.

We will update our subscribers and Patreon supporters how much we receive and where our funds will go on a monthly basis. We will use our communities to poll on the types of earth causes we will contribute to, vetting on independent NGO's that are focused on wildlife causes, working towards protecting, rebuilding and sustaining the vital processes of our our planet.


Our wild life partners.

We support earth causes that have a direct connection to the locations of our field recordings as well as other wildlife causes.

Our list of NGO's and earth causes will continue to grow as we expand our content locations as we create. Our journey has just begun, so bear with us, as we have yet to build our library of connections. Here are some of the NGO's we have hand selec
ted based on the location of where our content originated from.

Wild Life Partners
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